Thursday, October 07, 2010


Timing: An awkward start, due to its metaphysical root. Alter two days/weeks/months around and life could be completely different. Awkward.

Tacit: The assumption that what is left unspoken does not lead to other assumptions.

Ultimatum: A sometimes necessary, but necessarily arbitrary time frame by which one must make a Decision (see below).

Should: A falsely held belief that the self or others or life play out in a determinedly, internally idealized manner.

Regret: A non-existent idea or a capitulation towards a passive rather than a proactive approach to life.

Decision: Excluding the ~2% of the time where one's head is stuck up one's own ass, the best possible choice made at any given time considering as many variables as possible. Should it result that the former was the culprit or that the best possible choice turned out to be wrong in retrospect, refer to "Regret."

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