Sunday, July 23, 2006

Atrocities not covered in the main stream media

Those of you that enjoy maraschino cherries should discontinue the reading of this post. You are complicit in the problem – you are the demand for a horrible process – a genocide of sorts…

We harvest many types of cherries – all delicious. The purpose of this post is to discuss the processing of the gold and emperor francis varieties.

After they are taken off of the tree they commiserate about their fate in large tanks We transport loads to a local drop-off – huge vats in the ground after which they are shipped, soaked in a brine and completely bleached of all color and flavor. They are then macerated to be set upon the top of your sundae.

This mug is the last view up through the water at the loving world that they have known:


Mr Zazanis said...

I concour. I walked into work with a large bag of cherries (Bing, I believe) the other day and offered some to a fellow work as a gesture of solidarity and the looked I recieved was a tad disturbing.
The woman said, "No. I dont like cherries".
"Well, surely you had a bad batch", I smirked.
"Well..... actually I've only had the kind that come in drinks, in cans and on top of sundaes", she begrudgingly responded.

------ Ignorance is not always bliss..........ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Anonymous said...

How can you be sure about the statistics if you only been there a couple of months yet you quote statistics from 1970?