Tuesday, January 09, 2007

So this is the New Year (II)

These pictures are from "Media Day" at the Stadium, with Everything ready for the BCS Bowl game held last night. Anything remotely related to the game hanging on the walls came down today.

The banner downtown was finally hung this past weekend. As we were applying the final touches with the use of headlamps, I don't have a full picture of the 100' x 68' ginormosity yet, give me a couple of days...

This here Atifabbit is my talisman. Doing what you might ask. Have a look. I have yet to decide if Atifabbit does anything remotely close to what she is intended to. I'm leaning towards no, but what we've got here is isolated, immediate situations. And we're around that first week in January that has a definite history. I think with the right perspective, Atifabbit might be looking over long term with much more wisdom than I possess. Anyone familiar with the wisdom of Mr. M would know exactly what I mean.

It happened again.

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